February 24, 2025

More Chinese workers in critical industries coming

More Chinese workers into the country’s critical infrastructures and into across several more industries bringing more serious implications to local employment and to national security. 

The Chinese workers are  present or are coming in to  the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines(which is partly owned by the Chinese state-owned national transmission corporation), through “tied-aid” projects such as water sector projects like the Kaliwa Dam, the third Telecommunications provider, and railways projects.

In short, the Chinese are in strategic sectors – power, water, communications, transport, and construction where they not only take away jobs from Filipinos, but also embed themselves into our economy.  There are not only negative employment implications but also national security implications.

These are strategic industries that are of public interest and have national security implications. What is clear is that DOLE really doesn’t have an employment strategy and is  not coordinating at all with DOTR, DICT, DOE-NAPOCOR, DPWH, NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES BOARD on big ticket items that have job generation potential.

With unemployment at 10% this surrender of jobs to Chinese is just going to make worse the plight of Filipino workers who can do the job that Chinese are being given in our own country. ###