March 13, 2025

Vaccines for our Children, a MUST

As we continuously battle this COVID-19, the fight that seems to be far from over.

Recently, several variants were declared to be more dreaded and threaten to double its effect to the human health.

The government efforts somewhat were put into the test on how to vaccinate its population that will reach the 112 million mark by the end of 2021. With the recently concluded National Vaccination Day held last 29 November to 01 December 2021, according to the news gathered, almost  10 million were vaccinated, with numerous and increasing  vaccination coverages and sites, still the remaining unvaccinated population of the country remains a large number.

Last 03 November 2021, the government urged the young population aged 12 to 17 years to get vaccinated to fight the deadly virus. With stable supplies of vaccines, the national government pursued a nationwide rollout of pediatric vaccination. This effort was prioritized for minors due to the planned gradual re-opening of schools for limited face-to-face classes. The Department of Health (DOH) citing datas from the Philippine Statistics Authority that there are around 12.7 million minors aged 12 to 17 that are eligible for the pediatric vaccination.

With the presence of their parents and or guardians, children will be eligible for the vaccination. The Local Government Units must also ensure that their responses are immediate and appropriate when a child experience side effects. Children with comorbidities are suggested to have their vaccination done on health centers or hospitals to ensure quicker response in case of adverse side effects.

Parents need to explain to their children the reasons for getting vaccinated. Children need to understand why they have to deal with the needle to ease fears during vaccination. Talk to them about how COVID-19 vaccine for children is essential. Like other vaccines that needed to be administered to our children, it protects them from several deadly diseases such as polio, tetanus and diphtheria, such vaccines also keep other children safe by eliminating or greatly decreasing dangerous diseases that used to spread from child to child. The burden of the COVID-19 in terms of severe death remains among older persons and those with comorbidities. The proportionally fewer symptomatic infections and cases with severe disease and deaths from COVID-19 in children and adolescents. Children usually demonstrate fewer and milder symptoms infections making them the silent carrier and transmit the virus quicker.

COVID-19 vaccines for children is the same vaccines for teens and adults, but it is given in smaller dose. The smaller dose is due to the development of child’s immune system, not based on child’s weight or size. The vaccines are said to be both safe and effective in children. Safety is a top priority for the vaccine, and the FDA’s approval is based on these safe results.

With this, your children are effectively protected from severe illness brought by the virus and protecting them also protects the community as a whole.