March 11, 2025

PAF: Government’s Partner in COVID-19 Mitigation

The Philippine Air Force (PAF)is true to its mission in delivering help and assistance to the people in whatever circumstance. In this time of pandemic, many Filipinos have struggled to put food on their table and in accessing quality heathcare services.

Fully aware of this difficult stuation, the Philippine Air Force and the government have worked hand-in-hand to ensure that help will be provided to all Filipino people. Utilizing its modern and newly-acquired air assets, the PAF has shown support to the country’s national development efforts, particularly on COVID-19 mitigation.

As soon as the COVID-19 vaccines arrived in the Philippines,the PAF became the government’s active partner in transporting the vaccines to the different areas of the Philippines. Apart from that, the PAF and its units also take part in propagating factual information regarding the vaccine’s importance and effect to humankind when administered through the publication of daily updates and audio-visual products to different social media platforms. Furthermore, the PAF, together with its medical staff, also assists other medical workers and institutions in inoculating the vaccines to the Filipino people.

In the hope of defeating the unseen enemy, the PAF personnel have stood their ground asfrontliners and bearers of hope and cure. It is with great assurance that the men and women PAF will continue to be an agile working arm of the government in helping the Filipino people; in putting an end to this pandemic.The organization will continue to do its obligation in assisting, relaying helpful reminders and information, and providing continuous support to the government and other medical institutions in administering vaccines to the Filipinos.